The following terms are used on this site. You should probably know most of these by now anyways, but they're listed here for completeness. Terms which I use in a way not in line with the common usage are marked in red.
Used to indicate that the name or term contained within the parenthesis is of Jewish origin or under Jewish influence. A dogwhistle initially created by Morrakiu.
Used to indicate that the name or term contained without the parenthesis is not Jewish or under Jewish influence.
African Americans are 13% of the U.S. population but commit 52% of violent/sexual crime according to FBI crime statistics.
The 14 words ("we must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children") and the 88 precepts. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so 88 is used as shorthand for Heil Hitler. 1488 is a functional synonym for Nazi. Going 1488 means going full fash.
40%, 40%er
A reference to the suicide rate among transgenders.
Used to indicate that the name or term contained within the parenthesis is of Jewish origin or under Jewish influence. A dogwhistle initially created by Morrakiu.
Used to indicate that the name or term contained without the parenthesis is not Jewish or under Jewish influence.
African Americans are 13% of the U.S. population but commit 52% of violent/sexual crime according to FBI crime statistics.
The 14 words ("we must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children") and the 88 precepts. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so 88 is used as shorthand for Heil Hitler. 1488 is a functional synonym for Nazi. Going 1488 means going full fash.
40%, 40%er
A reference to the suicide rate among transgenders.
56%, 56%er
A reference to the assertion that only 56% of the United States is currently white. Often depicted as a mixed race mutt person.
A reference to the assertion that only 56% of the United States is currently white. Often depicted as a mixed race mutt person.
6 Gorillion
The idea that things should be made as bad as possible, ideally as quickly as possible to wake the normies up to how bad things are getting. This is in contrast to gradualism.
A self-improvement philosophy which has 2 prescriptions
A person who has a dominant role or position within a particular sphere.
The regressive left including
Similar to alt-right, but more about The West / First Worldism than any specific racial demographic. Typically not woke on the JQ or won't admit they are.
Websites and online services which cater to or at least tolerate the presence of the alt-right / alt-light.
Short for "alternative right" which is a big tent conservative movement focused on questions of identity and meaning rather than specific policy positions or traditional conservative positions such as limited government, low taxes and strict law-and-order.
ANTIFAscist group which is full of progressive degenerates who just want to riot, destroy property, hate capitalism, hate white people, and generally be opposed to first worldism.
Anudda Shoah
A phrase used to mock Jews who allege anti-Semitism.
Doing what you want without giving a fuck what people think about you. This is not the same as woke but people tend to treat them as the same thing. If you don't believe in anarcho-primitivism, for instance, Ted Kaczynski was based, but not woke.
A mental model about some aspect of the world, including internal mind state, such that the subject of the belief is expected to correspond to the assertion of the belief within reality.
Beta (Male)
A beta male is submissive, clingy, indecisive, weak-minded, and not confident. He can't deal with confrontation or challenges. He lets things happen instead of taking action.
An American born between 1946 and 1964.
A typical city dweller who is obsessed with consumerism, popular culture, and vain pursuits..
Capital / Economic Capital
Wealth that is used to create more wealth, in distinction with wealth that is consumed directly or used for personal enjoyment. A truck used to bring materials to a construction site is capital, a truck used to bring the family camping isn't. Money, currency, stocks, and bonds are not wealth, and are therefore not capital.
An economic system in which capital is privately owned. This is usually defined as "the means of production are privately owned" but this definition does not make a proper distinction between economic capital and economic land.
Attractive alpha male who is sexually successful with women.
Civic Nationalism
A social system in which a nation and citizenry are defined by adherence to a set of values. Anyone who can adhere to the set of values may, presumably, become a citizen. This is in contrast to ethnonationalism.
The socio-economic policy which asserts that the interests of the collective outweigh the interests of the individual and that the individual exists solely to serve the collective. Weaker version of this term may be extended to mean that the individual exists primarily to serve the collective. This is in contrast to individualism.
The practice of conspicuously buying flashy, expensive items and expecting them to fill the voids in one's life. See dildocracy.
A conservative who makes a big show of defending traditional values, yet when push comes to shove, rolls over for the left on every issue out of fear of being called "racist," "sexist," or "homophobic."
Culutral Enrichment
Satirical term for invasion or general violence caused by people of different culture.
Cultural Marxism
A social and political movement that undermines everything people hold more dear than class so that class distinctions will become the most important distinction and the conditions for communism to rise can finally be realized. Communism didn't occur naturally as posited by Marx; people divided into groups based on ethnicity and culture rather than class. Since Communism can't be wrong, loyalty to those things had to be erased.
Material or immaterial units-of-account which have zero or nearly zero use outside of exchange. With wealth, having it brings pleasure or utility. With currency, spending (getting rid of it) brings pleasure or utility.
Current Year
Day of the Rope
A hypothesized future day when traitors to The United States/The Constitution/The West/White People will be hung or shot for their crimes or cowardice. Day of the Rake refers to a future annexation of Canada by the U.S.
Deep State
A term used to describe the people in the government that usually serve very long tenures and have a considerable amount of power, but are largely unaccountable to the people (e.g. did anyone you were able to vote for come up with many ATF regulations?) This can also refer to people who the people in government are beholden to such as The Jewish Lobby, bankers (but I repeat myself), arms manufacturers, etc. Also known as the permanent state or shadow government.
That which is bad for reproduction of citizens/the founding stock/insert identifiable group of people here. This includes self-destructive, society-destructive, and reproduction-destructive behaviors such as drug use, promiscuity, hedonism, homosexuality, socialism, abortions-for-convenience, etc.
When people on the alt-right call anything which is remotely fun such as minor drug use, sex for pleasure, etc. as degeneracy, as if they expect people to sit around eating Graham Crackers and Corn Flakes to curb their masturbatory desires.
Deus Vult
"God wills it." Said by LARPer fantasizing about a second Crusades.
Anything artificial that you figuratively shove in a one of your holes to fill the hole in your soul. This can be money, promiscuous sex, work, drugs, etc.
A society based on or whose members are focused on short-term artificial self-gratification/pleasure.
Short for Dindu Nuffin' a reference to a term black Americans often say when caught by police or citizens doing something obviously illegal/wrong: "I din du nuffin'!" See also nigger.
Democrats aRe the Real Racists. A phrase that cuckservatives use hoping to get good boy points from non-whites who will never vote for them anyways.
Electric Jew
A social system in which a nation and citizenry are defined as "a people," ethnicity, or race.
The applied science of improving the gene pool relative to one or more ideals by selecting positive DNA; this is called positive eugenics, and by removing the negative DNA; this is called negative eugenics. This can be state sanctioned, state enforced, or left to the actions of individuals. Selecting attractive mates is a form of eugenics.
First Worldism
Western/enlightenment/classic liberal ideals enumerated by Ryan Faulk:
General Intelligence (g)
Also known as g factor, refers to the existence of a broad mental capacity that influences performance on cognitive ability measures. Charles Spearman first described the existence of general intelligence in 1904.
A national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence, and/or uplift.
Good Boy Points
A system of social approval points rewarded for conformant behavior. The recipient can save up good boy points to buy chicken tendies.
The Hebrew and Yiddish term used for non-Jews.
The idea or observation of things getting better or worse slowly, so that most people don't notice at any given time. The boiling frog metaphor.
Hate Fact
A fact about the external world which people consider -ist (racist, sexist) or -phobic (homophobic, Islamophobic). Expressing hate facts is often a sign of wrongthink.
Herbal Jew
Involuntary celibate.
The moral stance and socio-economic policy that stresses "the moral worth of the individual." Individualists promote the exercise of one's goals and desires without interference by society or government. Radical Individualism is when people do not recognize that collective action is often required to manifest the conditions which make individualism viable.
The portion of wealth or drafts on wealth which are paid to capitalists for the use of their capital.
A number used to express the apparent relative intelligence of a person as the ratio of their mental age to actual age or their performance on a standardized test to the average performance of others of the same age. This is not the same as intelligence, but tends to be used in the same manner.
An abbreviation of the term, The "Jewish Question." Refers to the belief in the presence of a dominant, global force behind the world's Banks, Media Corporations, and Governments, which are believed to be mostly controlled by Jewish leaders.
Egyptian god of darkness that takes the shape of a frog. Pepe is his sigil. Kek is a god of chaos and trolling, much like Loki. For instance, Kek got Trump elected because it was funny and trollish, but he is just as likely to fuck over conservatives by getting AOC elected in 2024 because that would also be funny and trollish.
Open-borders, big-business "libertarians" which the left hates and accuses the right/libertarians as being on the payroll of and which the alt-right hates because they're corporatists.
Labor / Economic Labor
Mental and/or physical effort invested by economic actors.
Land / Economic Land
All material things or services not produced by man or under the direction of man. The dry surface, ocean, fish in the ocean, water, minerals, and oil in situ, the EM spectrum, orbits, carbon sinks, the ability of swamps to purify water, etc. are all land. This is in distinction to the common use of the term which means the dry surface of the Earth.
Live action role play; to pretend or fantasize about.
A political philosophy based on the Non-Aggression Principle, which holds that people should be allowed to live as they choose and make their own choices without interference from government or others, so long as those choices do not involve the initiation of force or fraud against others.
Someone who takes liberty to mean that there should be no social consequences for their actions and that anyone who attempts to shame or humiliate them is violating the N.A.P. These are the people who say "muh freedom!" before whipping their cocks out for a nude gay pride parade that passes in front of a daycare.
Liquid Jew
German for "The lying press." See also fake news, mainstream media.
An ethnostate which "anyone who's white can come here" wignats want to or will implicitly create. An ethnostate which allows shit-tier / white trash whites.
The percentage of a population's minds which contain an idea, value, or belief.
Material units-of-account which are appreciably valued or useful outside of exchange. For instance, precious metals are valued for jewelry and electronics as well as for exchange.
The process of converting values into moral rules and determining right and wrong. Includes social suasion. This is in distinction to the common use which means something akin to "that which is good."
Moral Ecosystem
Akin to a memetic "ecosystem" of moral systems which compete for mindshare. Individuals and societies which adopt practical, effective moral systems will, all else equal, outbreed those with impractical, ineffective moral systems causing those moral systems to lose mindshare.
Moral Rule
An individual prescription or proscription within a moral system. In a biological analogy, this is a trait of an moral organism.
Moral System
A collection of moral rules based around one or more values. In a biological analogy, this is a moral organism.
Muh Bootstraps
A phrase used by boomers when any younger generations ask for concessions for the loss of opportunities the boomer's irresponsible lifestyles and policy choices created.
Muh Constitution
A phrase used, typically by boomers, to express belief that The Constitution of a country will protect them from the tyranny of the majority despite how alien that majority becomes in culture or value.
Muh Law-and-Order
Muh Russia
A conspiracy theory that the Russian state "hacked" the 2016 U.S. presidential election by leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks.
A national policy of focusing on and benefiting the residents or citizenry of the nation over outsiders. May be isolationist, but doesn't have to be.
Not all X are like that. An attempt to use either anecdotes or the logical fact that "most doesn't imply all" to counter a claim about general trends or general traits.
A non-player character in video games, or someone who has a scripted set of responses and blurts them out automatically. For instance, if you point out the likelihood of racial or sexual equality being essentially zero for biological reasons, the NPC might blurt out Racist! or Sexist! as a pre-programmed response. See also philosophical zombie.
Our Greatest Ally
Overton Window
The Overton Window, named after Joseph Overton, represents the boundaries of "acceptable" public policy and discourse; what a politician can support without seeming too "extreme." Opposing forces try to broaden this window (or shift it to one side) to make formerly "radical" ideas seem more "mainstream."
Postmodernism seeks to duplicate the form of rational inquiry, while lacking the substance. It's children dressing up in parents' clothes, and complaining about things they don't understand, like taxes and sciatica, for no better reason than that is what they see adults doing with their time. - Urban Dictionary
Race Realism
The viewpoint that the human species has several identifiable subgroups which differ on average in mental and physical traits, and that these variances in traits have a moderate to pronounced correlation with variance in genes.
Low-IQ/high-time-preference shit-tier refugees and migrants. See also sexual emergency, Somalian.
The portion of wealth or drafts on wealth which are paid to landlords. This is in distinction with the common use term which includes letting a car or a house which are properly classed as capital for that use, the return of which is properly classed as interest.
A search for privilege and personal gain through the political process. Most of the problems people think they have with capitalism are rent-seeking.
A state of being in which a property of an item is relative to another item. For instance, if person A is on one side of a couch, and person B is on the other side of the couch, then the statement "the couch is on the left side" will have different truth values for person A and B. This is in distinction with absolutism.
Moral rules are relative to values and a moral system. Good and bad are relative to moral rules.
Sexual Emergency
When a Muslim rapefugee has to have sex with children in Europe or US because they haven't had sex in 4 months, but doesn't realize it's wrong because of the language barrier they don't know what "No" and "Stop" means.
Shabbos / Shabbos Goy
A goy who is subservient to the wishes of Jews as a group, Israel, or ZOG.
Social Justice Warrior. As written, shouldn't be an issue since people generally like justice in the social sphere. In reality, antifa or their enablers.
An economic system in which capital is owned by workers collectives or state institutions. This is usually defined as "the means of production are commonly/collectively owned" but this definition does not make a proper distinction between economic capital and economic land.
A Hungarian-born Jewish billionaire who bankrolls a lot of effective progressive, subversive groups which attempt to undermine The West and first worldism. Literally the closest thing to a supervillian living on Earth currently.
Used as a noun or prefix derives from the negative effects soy consumption is believed to have on the male physique and libido. For instance, whiny music can be called soycore, the clown world dystopia we're currently living in could be called soypunk.
Soy Boy
Slang used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities. This pathetic state is usually achieved by an over-indulgence of emasculating products and/or ideologies. See beta.
Tactial Bowlcut
The rewards obtained by accumulating enough good boy points. For cuckservatives, for instance, this could include being considered honorary people of color / non-racists.
Truck of Peace
A vehicle, typically a box truck, used to mow down (culturally enrich) the native population of an area by a Muslim immigrant.
A property of a belief or assertion which describes the relationship between the belief or assertion and its subject. The sky isn't true or false, but a belief about the sky being blue (at some point in time/location) can be true or false. See Correspondence Theory.
Virtue Signalling
To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else. See good boy points.
Black person esp. black living in Africa.
The portion of wealth or drafts on wealth which are paid to labor for work performed.
Produced goods: a combination of land and labor. This definition excludes produced things which represent other things and do not have (much of) a use value on their own such as currency, bonds, and stocks. It also doesn't include intellectual property or personal competency. A simple test is to ask if a country could be made wealthier if there were more of X. Printing currency doesn't make a country wealthier, for instance, so currency isn't wealth.
We Wuz Kangs
A term used to mock the historical achievements of black people. Started as a mocking rebuttal to historical theories that the ancient Egyptians were black.
A derogatory portmanteau for Wigger Nationalists. These are people who believe that their race is their religion or identity and "my race right or wrong." Finds their identity and social worth in their race because they're losers.
An acronym for "Zionist-occupied government", referring to the the fact that Jews have are over-represented in government and government interests.
- A sarcastic reference to the number of Jews killed in the holocaust indicating a belief that the numbers are highly inflated.
- A sarcastic reference to Jews bringing up the holocaust to distract from any discussion which is disadvantageous to Israel or Jews as a group.
The idea that things should be made as bad as possible, ideally as quickly as possible to wake the normies up to how bad things are getting. This is in contrast to gradualism.
A self-improvement philosophy which has 2 prescriptions
- Have and foster true beliefs.
- Own your values (recognize and embrace the values you produce as yours and accept the consequences for them).
A person who has a dominant role or position within a particular sphere.
The regressive left including
- People, who ban other's freedom of speech, because they feel "uncomfortable" hearing different opinions.
- People, who physically assault other individuals, and damage both public and private property in the name of "peace" and "love."
- People, who care more about their selfish desires and arrogant views than about the country they live in.
Similar to alt-right, but more about The West / First Worldism than any specific racial demographic. Typically not woke on the JQ or won't admit they are.
Websites and online services which cater to or at least tolerate the presence of the alt-right / alt-light.
Short for "alternative right" which is a big tent conservative movement focused on questions of identity and meaning rather than specific policy positions or traditional conservative positions such as limited government, low taxes and strict law-and-order.
ANTIFAscist group which is full of progressive degenerates who just want to riot, destroy property, hate capitalism, hate white people, and generally be opposed to first worldism.
Anudda Shoah
A phrase used to mock Jews who allege anti-Semitism.
- A political condition characterized by obsessive interests, memorizing facts but failing to understand context, a lack of eye contact, thinking that the good shouldn't be implemented because the perfect theoretically exists (but can't be implemented). See also neck beard, basement dweller.
- A neurodevelopmental condition characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.
Doing what you want without giving a fuck what people think about you. This is not the same as woke but people tend to treat them as the same thing. If you don't believe in anarcho-primitivism, for instance, Ted Kaczynski was based, but not woke.
A mental model about some aspect of the world, including internal mind state, such that the subject of the belief is expected to correspond to the assertion of the belief within reality.
Beta (Male)
A beta male is submissive, clingy, indecisive, weak-minded, and not confident. He can't deal with confrontation or challenges. He lets things happen instead of taking action.
An American born between 1946 and 1964.
A typical city dweller who is obsessed with consumerism, popular culture, and vain pursuits..
Capital / Economic Capital
Wealth that is used to create more wealth, in distinction with wealth that is consumed directly or used for personal enjoyment. A truck used to bring materials to a construction site is capital, a truck used to bring the family camping isn't. Money, currency, stocks, and bonds are not wealth, and are therefore not capital.
An economic system in which capital is privately owned. This is usually defined as "the means of production are privately owned" but this definition does not make a proper distinction between economic capital and economic land.
Attractive alpha male who is sexually successful with women.
Civic Nationalism
A social system in which a nation and citizenry are defined by adherence to a set of values. Anyone who can adhere to the set of values may, presumably, become a citizen. This is in contrast to ethnonationalism.
The socio-economic policy which asserts that the interests of the collective outweigh the interests of the individual and that the individual exists solely to serve the collective. Weaker version of this term may be extended to mean that the individual exists primarily to serve the collective. This is in contrast to individualism.
The practice of conspicuously buying flashy, expensive items and expecting them to fill the voids in one's life. See dildocracy.
- Hip, cool, "jet-set" version of mono-culture. People who choose not to have a homeland because they have no culture.
- A magazine of the same name which acts as a guide on how to be a worthless whore.
- Someone who sells out that which should be important to him for the approval of others / his lessers.
- Someone who raises someone else's child, esp. unknowingly.
- Someone who lets his wife have sex with other men.
- (Verb) To sell out.
A conservative who makes a big show of defending traditional values, yet when push comes to shove, rolls over for the left on every issue out of fear of being called "racist," "sexist," or "homophobic."
Culutral Enrichment
Satirical term for invasion or general violence caused by people of different culture.
Cultural Marxism
A social and political movement that undermines everything people hold more dear than class so that class distinctions will become the most important distinction and the conditions for communism to rise can finally be realized. Communism didn't occur naturally as posited by Marx; people divided into groups based on ethnicity and culture rather than class. Since Communism can't be wrong, loyalty to those things had to be erased.
Material or immaterial units-of-account which have zero or nearly zero use outside of exchange. With wealth, having it brings pleasure or utility. With currency, spending (getting rid of it) brings pleasure or utility.
Current Year
- A trope making fun of a common phrase that the left uses to lament that certain practices they consider to be regressive still exist. "I can't believe the level of homophobia he exhibited, I mean, it's the current year, we should be past that by now."
- Whatever year is actually the most current in the political sense. Typically this is the same as the current calendar year, but, for about 3 months after Trump took office in 2017, 2016 was actually the politically current year despite 2017 being the calendar current year.
Day of the Rope
A hypothesized future day when traitors to The United States/The Constitution/The West/White People will be hung or shot for their crimes or cowardice. Day of the Rake refers to a future annexation of Canada by the U.S.
Deep State
A term used to describe the people in the government that usually serve very long tenures and have a considerable amount of power, but are largely unaccountable to the people (e.g. did anyone you were able to vote for come up with many ATF regulations?) This can also refer to people who the people in government are beholden to such as The Jewish Lobby, bankers (but I repeat myself), arms manufacturers, etc. Also known as the permanent state or shadow government.
That which is bad for reproduction of citizens/the founding stock/insert identifiable group of people here. This includes self-destructive, society-destructive, and reproduction-destructive behaviors such as drug use, promiscuity, hedonism, homosexuality, socialism, abortions-for-convenience, etc.
When people on the alt-right call anything which is remotely fun such as minor drug use, sex for pleasure, etc. as degeneracy, as if they expect people to sit around eating Graham Crackers and Corn Flakes to curb their masturbatory desires.
Deus Vult
"God wills it." Said by LARPer fantasizing about a second Crusades.
Anything artificial that you figuratively shove in a one of your holes to fill the hole in your soul. This can be money, promiscuous sex, work, drugs, etc.
A society based on or whose members are focused on short-term artificial self-gratification/pleasure.
Short for Dindu Nuffin' a reference to a term black Americans often say when caught by police or citizens doing something obviously illegal/wrong: "I din du nuffin'!" See also nigger.
Democrats aRe the Real Racists. A phrase that cuckservatives use hoping to get good boy points from non-whites who will never vote for them anyways.
Electric Jew
A social system in which a nation and citizenry are defined as "a people," ethnicity, or race.
The applied science of improving the gene pool relative to one or more ideals by selecting positive DNA; this is called positive eugenics, and by removing the negative DNA; this is called negative eugenics. This can be state sanctioned, state enforced, or left to the actions of individuals. Selecting attractive mates is a form of eugenics.
First Worldism
Western/enlightenment/classic liberal ideals enumerated by Ryan Faulk:
- anti-authoritarian views of knowledge and truth,
- a lower level of social sensitivity, conformity and consensus-seeking
- support for free speech
- opposition to heavy government intervention and regulating of private property (i.e. the consensus-economies of West, Central, South, Southeast and East Asia), support for free markets
- lower crime, higher diligence and self-control, higher IQs.
- less interest in grievance politics and bloc-politics
General Intelligence (g)
Also known as g factor, refers to the existence of a broad mental capacity that influences performance on cognitive ability measures. Charles Spearman first described the existence of general intelligence in 1904.
A national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence, and/or uplift.
Good Boy Points
A system of social approval points rewarded for conformant behavior. The recipient can save up good boy points to buy chicken tendies.
The Hebrew and Yiddish term used for non-Jews.
The idea or observation of things getting better or worse slowly, so that most people don't notice at any given time. The boiling frog metaphor.
Hate Fact
A fact about the external world which people consider -ist (racist, sexist) or -phobic (homophobic, Islamophobic). Expressing hate facts is often a sign of wrongthink.
Herbal Jew
Involuntary celibate.
The moral stance and socio-economic policy that stresses "the moral worth of the individual." Individualists promote the exercise of one's goals and desires without interference by society or government. Radical Individualism is when people do not recognize that collective action is often required to manifest the conditions which make individualism viable.
The portion of wealth or drafts on wealth which are paid to capitalists for the use of their capital.
- A distinguishing between descriptive and normative statements.
- A reference to Hume's is-ought distinction which states that, without a reference value, you cannot create a valid ought (normative) statement from an is (descriptive) statement.
A number used to express the apparent relative intelligence of a person as the ratio of their mental age to actual age or their performance on a standardized test to the average performance of others of the same age. This is not the same as intelligence, but tends to be used in the same manner.
An abbreviation of the term, The "Jewish Question." Refers to the belief in the presence of a dominant, global force behind the world's Banks, Media Corporations, and Governments, which are believed to be mostly controlled by Jewish leaders.
Egyptian god of darkness that takes the shape of a frog. Pepe is his sigil. Kek is a god of chaos and trolling, much like Loki. For instance, Kek got Trump elected because it was funny and trollish, but he is just as likely to fuck over conservatives by getting AOC elected in 2024 because that would also be funny and trollish.
Open-borders, big-business "libertarians" which the left hates and accuses the right/libertarians as being on the payroll of and which the alt-right hates because they're corporatists.
Labor / Economic Labor
Mental and/or physical effort invested by economic actors.
Land / Economic Land
All material things or services not produced by man or under the direction of man. The dry surface, ocean, fish in the ocean, water, minerals, and oil in situ, the EM spectrum, orbits, carbon sinks, the ability of swamps to purify water, etc. are all land. This is in distinction to the common use of the term which means the dry surface of the Earth.
Live action role play; to pretend or fantasize about.
A political philosophy based on the Non-Aggression Principle, which holds that people should be allowed to live as they choose and make their own choices without interference from government or others, so long as those choices do not involve the initiation of force or fraud against others.
Someone who takes liberty to mean that there should be no social consequences for their actions and that anyone who attempts to shame or humiliate them is violating the N.A.P. These are the people who say "muh freedom!" before whipping their cocks out for a nude gay pride parade that passes in front of a daycare.
Liquid Jew
German for "The lying press." See also fake news, mainstream media.
An ethnostate which "anyone who's white can come here" wignats want to or will implicitly create. An ethnostate which allows shit-tier / white trash whites.
The percentage of a population's minds which contain an idea, value, or belief.
Material units-of-account which are appreciably valued or useful outside of exchange. For instance, precious metals are valued for jewelry and electronics as well as for exchange.
The process of converting values into moral rules and determining right and wrong. Includes social suasion. This is in distinction to the common use which means something akin to "that which is good."
Moral Ecosystem
Akin to a memetic "ecosystem" of moral systems which compete for mindshare. Individuals and societies which adopt practical, effective moral systems will, all else equal, outbreed those with impractical, ineffective moral systems causing those moral systems to lose mindshare.
Moral Rule
An individual prescription or proscription within a moral system. In a biological analogy, this is a trait of an moral organism.
Moral System
A collection of moral rules based around one or more values. In a biological analogy, this is a moral organism.
Muh Bootstraps
A phrase used by boomers when any younger generations ask for concessions for the loss of opportunities the boomer's irresponsible lifestyles and policy choices created.
Muh Constitution
A phrase used, typically by boomers, to express belief that The Constitution of a country will protect them from the tyranny of the majority despite how alien that majority becomes in culture or value.
Muh Law-and-Order
- A phrase used by cuckservatives who feel a duty to follow laws to the point of destruction of themselves, their family, their ideals, their culture, or their race just because some ZOG or deep state government actors signed their name to a piece of paper.
- A confusion between law which is one means of getting order with order itself which is generally desired by humans.
Muh Russia
A conspiracy theory that the Russian state "hacked" the 2016 U.S. presidential election by leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks.
A national policy of focusing on and benefiting the residents or citizenry of the nation over outsiders. May be isolationist, but doesn't have to be.
Not all X are like that. An attempt to use either anecdotes or the logical fact that "most doesn't imply all" to counter a claim about general trends or general traits.
- People who use popular social and traditional media sources and believe popular opinions. Normies are not necessarily NPCs, but all NPCs are normies.
- People entirely within the Overton Window.
A non-player character in video games, or someone who has a scripted set of responses and blurts them out automatically. For instance, if you point out the likelihood of racial or sexual equality being essentially zero for biological reasons, the NPC might blurt out Racist! or Sexist! as a pre-programmed response. See also philosophical zombie.
Our Greatest Ally
Overton Window
The Overton Window, named after Joseph Overton, represents the boundaries of "acceptable" public policy and discourse; what a politician can support without seeming too "extreme." Opposing forces try to broaden this window (or shift it to one side) to make formerly "radical" ideas seem more "mainstream."
Postmodernism seeks to duplicate the form of rational inquiry, while lacking the substance. It's children dressing up in parents' clothes, and complaining about things they don't understand, like taxes and sciatica, for no better reason than that is what they see adults doing with their time. - Urban Dictionary
Race Realism
The viewpoint that the human species has several identifiable subgroups which differ on average in mental and physical traits, and that these variances in traits have a moderate to pronounced correlation with variance in genes.
Low-IQ/high-time-preference shit-tier refugees and migrants. See also sexual emergency, Somalian.
The portion of wealth or drafts on wealth which are paid to landlords. This is in distinction with the common use term which includes letting a car or a house which are properly classed as capital for that use, the return of which is properly classed as interest.
A search for privilege and personal gain through the political process. Most of the problems people think they have with capitalism are rent-seeking.
A state of being in which a property of an item is relative to another item. For instance, if person A is on one side of a couch, and person B is on the other side of the couch, then the statement "the couch is on the left side" will have different truth values for person A and B. This is in distinction with absolutism.
Moral rules are relative to values and a moral system. Good and bad are relative to moral rules.
Sexual Emergency
When a Muslim rapefugee has to have sex with children in Europe or US because they haven't had sex in 4 months, but doesn't realize it's wrong because of the language barrier they don't know what "No" and "Stop" means.
Shabbos / Shabbos Goy
A goy who is subservient to the wishes of Jews as a group, Israel, or ZOG.
Social Justice Warrior. As written, shouldn't be an issue since people generally like justice in the social sphere. In reality, antifa or their enablers.
An economic system in which capital is owned by workers collectives or state institutions. This is usually defined as "the means of production are commonly/collectively owned" but this definition does not make a proper distinction between economic capital and economic land.
A Hungarian-born Jewish billionaire who bankrolls a lot of effective progressive, subversive groups which attempt to undermine The West and first worldism. Literally the closest thing to a supervillian living on Earth currently.
Used as a noun or prefix derives from the negative effects soy consumption is believed to have on the male physique and libido. For instance, whiny music can be called soycore, the clown world dystopia we're currently living in could be called soypunk.
Soy Boy
Slang used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities. This pathetic state is usually achieved by an over-indulgence of emasculating products and/or ideologies. See beta.
- The belief in the necessity of an external coercive institutional authority. (This is the neutral kind of statism.)
- The belief that legislators, judges, cops, and bureaucrats are literally a better class of humans. Forgives people doing shitty things because they are part of the state institution, demands people obey the law / conflates law and order, regardless of the content of the law. Finds their identity and social worth in the institution of the state because they're losers. (This is the bad kind of statism.)
Tactial Bowlcut
- (Noun) Dylann Roof
- (Verb) To lose your shit and shoot up a place.
The rewards obtained by accumulating enough good boy points. For cuckservatives, for instance, this could include being considered honorary people of color / non-racists.
Truck of Peace
A vehicle, typically a box truck, used to mow down (culturally enrich) the native population of an area by a Muslim immigrant.
A property of a belief or assertion which describes the relationship between the belief or assertion and its subject. The sky isn't true or false, but a belief about the sky being blue (at some point in time/location) can be true or false. See Correspondence Theory.
- (Noun) That which one seeks or holds dear. This is an abstraction atop dispositions and aversions.
- (Verb) To seek out something; actions which express the noun version of this term.
Virtue Signalling
To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else. See good boy points.
Black person esp. black living in Africa.
The portion of wealth or drafts on wealth which are paid to labor for work performed.
Produced goods: a combination of land and labor. This definition excludes produced things which represent other things and do not have (much of) a use value on their own such as currency, bonds, and stocks. It also doesn't include intellectual property or personal competency. A simple test is to ask if a country could be made wealthier if there were more of X. Printing currency doesn't make a country wealthier, for instance, so currency isn't wealth.
We Wuz Kangs
A term used to mock the historical achievements of black people. Started as a mocking rebuttal to historical theories that the ancient Egyptians were black.
A derogatory portmanteau for Wigger Nationalists. These are people who believe that their race is their religion or identity and "my race right or wrong." Finds their identity and social worth in their race because they're losers.
- Being more aware of reality than most other people. See red pilled
- Often used to mean having progressive or a current year outlook on topics.
- Get Woke Go Broke refers to the phenomenon of companies which pursue current year outlooks to satisfy a small number of loud progressives losing value or market share because their main customer base doesn't care about current year opinions.
An acronym for "Zionist-occupied government", referring to the the fact that Jews have are over-represented in government and government interests.